Feb 15, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fees and Expenses


Student account balances are due in full the 11th class day for the Spring and Fall terms; 5th class day for Summer term. Students unable to meet this requirement should contact the Treasurer’s Office.

Late fees will be assessed on past-due installment plans and outstanding balances with no payment arrangements.

Those students who fail to clear their accounts will not be permitted to register for future terms. A “hold” will be placed on the student’s record, and information will not be released until the account is paid.

Any unpaid charges will remain the liability of the student and may be subject to collection fees, attorney fees, credit bureau reporting, or state income tax attachment (Act 732 of 1986 as amended.)


Any fee changes are reflected on the A-State website. To access downloadable tuition and fee tables, please visit the Treasurer’s Office at http://www.astate.edu/a/treasurers-office/

NOTE: All students pay a $5.00 Assessment Fee per term. Each student enrolled in 3 or more credit hours will be assessed a $20.00 student activity fee for the Fall and Spring semesters.


Full Term Courses Half Term and Summer Courses
1st - 5th class day 100% First and second day 100%
6th - 10th class day 75% Third and fourth day 75%
On or after 11th class day None On or after 5th class day None

NOTE: Undergraduate Students enrolled in fewer than 12 hours during a regular semester (or fewer than six hours during a five-week term) are classified as part-time students.

Course Fees

Please note that your tuition could vary based on fees associated with specific courses. These special course fees can range from $5.00 to $255.00 per course.

Residency Requirements for Fee Payment

Students should contact the Office of the Registrar concerning residency requirements for university fee purposes. A student who knowingly gives false information in an attempt to avoid out-of-state fee payment shall be subject to dismissal from the university.

Fee Waiver for Sixty-years of Age

Arkansas residents sixty years of age or older are eligible to have their in-state tuition waived. Students eligible for this waiver are responsible for all other charges related to their enrollment. Eligibility is determined as of the first day of the semester. Students seeking this waiver should contact Student Account Services upon completing registration.

International Students on Scholarships from Their Home Governments

All international students on scholarships from their home government should have a valid, up-to-date letter of financial guarantee on file in the International Student’s Office. In order for tuition to be billed to the embassy or scholarship agency, the guarantee should be on file no later than June 1 of each academic year.

Room and Board

  1. A prepayment of $100 along with a housing application is required to reserve a room for any regular semester. Students are required to live in university housing during the entire term of enrollment for which the reservation is made. Students who do not fulfill this requirement will forfeit their prepayment. The prepayment is refundable on the following conditions: (a) if cancellation is made, through the Residence Life office in writing prior to the confirmation date on the contract, (b) if the student has occupied the room until the end of the contract period and then checks out of the residence hall, through the Residence Life office, not later than 24 hours after the last official day of the spring semester, (c) if no damages have occurred during the term of occupancy.
  2. All occupants of residence halls are required to participate in a university meal plan. (Optional for commuter students and Collegiate Park, Red Wolf Den, Pack Place, The Circle, and The Village rentals)
  3. A permanent identification card will be issued to students during the first semester of attendance. Students will use this card to access residence halls, parking lots, laundry, and dining services venues. A $20 replacement fee will be assessed for lost IDs.
  4. The charges for room and board for less than a full semester are computed on the base rate for the period of occupancy.
  5. The residence halls and cafeteria will be open during the periods classes are in session. Vacation periods (fall break, spring break, winter break, and Interims) are not included in the regular room and board charges.
  6. Residents are expected to occupy their rooms during the entire session for which the rooms are reserved, unless they are forced to withdraw from the university because of illness or other valid reasons.
  7. Room and Board may be paid, along with tuition and fees, in four (4) installments. Students seeking such arrangements should contact the Treasurer’s Office at (870) 972-2285.

Students are responsible for ALL room and board even when meal cards have been invalidated or they have been locked out due to nonpayment.

NOTE: Single and Single Deluxe Rooms are only available space permitting.

NOTE 2: Rent includes all utilities, internet connection, and cable. Apartments and Northpark Quads Buildings 1 and 2 will be open during all break periods.

Meal Plan Rates

Meal plans are mandatory for all residence hall students and optional for students living in the apartments and The Village and commuter students. Meal plans may only be changed a week prior to the opening date for the residence halls. The purchase of any meal plan is dependent on year classification.

Students with the 5-day meal plan may enter the Acansa Dining Hall unlimited times Monday through Friday. Students with the 7-day meal plan may enter the Acansa Dining Hall unlimited times each day of the week.

Students with a block meal plan may dine in the Acansa, up to the number of block meals purchased. The Block plan also allows the holder to use the plan to bring in guests. Each guest will reduce the block by one meal. Unused blocks do not carry over from fall to spring.

The number after the “+” indicates flex dollars. Flex Dollars operate like a declining balance account that can be used at any of our dining venues, including Acansa Dining Hall, the Food Court, the Campus Store, Howl on Wheels, Simply to Go, and A-State concessions at athletic events. Unused flex dollars will carry over from fall to spring if a spring board plan is purchased, but they must be used by the end of the spring semester to avoid forfeiture.

Housing for Families and Graduate Students

Housing is available for married students with children, single parents, graduate students, and non-traditional undergraduates who are at least 26 years of age or older. The Village consists of 17 two-bedroom houses and 191 apartment units. The houses are furnished with a stove, refrigerator, two ceiling fans, and washer/dryer hook-ups. The apartments are available in one, two, and three bedroom configurations. The apartments are furnished with a stove, refrigerator, ceiling fans, dishwasher, and central heat and air.

The houses and Village Apartments are designed to offer affordable, comfortable, and accessible living accommodations to the students and their families. A laundry is located in The Village for those wishing to take advantage of this service. Application forms and additional information can be obtained from the Office of Residence Life, P.O. Box 2774, State University, AR, 72467 (870)972-2042.

Rent includes all utilities, internet connection, cable, and local phone services. The Village Houses and Apartments will be open during break periods.

Room and Board Charges

Room and board charges are assessed and payable in full at the beginning of each semester. Students seeking installment arrangements should contact Student Account Services at (870) 972-2285. Students receiving financial assistance that equals or exceeds their total charges are not eligible for installment arrangements.

To access downloadable room and board fee tables, visit the Residence Life website at http://www.astate.edu/a/residence-life/.

NOTE: A-State Online Programs are degrees that are offered completely online, this price structure DOES NOT include Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management and Online MBA.