2023-2024 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
College of Education and Behavioral Science
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The faculty of the College of Education and Behavioral Science teach, conduct research, and provide community and professional service in the areas of pedagogy, behavioral sciences, physical education and sport science, and advanced education-related professional studies. Instructional programs are offered within a student-centered organizational context that values diversity, innovation, and professional reflection; these programs are delivered by a faculty committed to the beliefs that (a) every student can learn, and (b) teachers themselves model commitment to learning by visibly demonstrating their own continuing personal/professional growth.
Administrative Structure
The following units are administratively within the College of Education and Behavioral Science:
ASU Childhood Services
Center for Excellence in Education
Department of Psychology and Counseling
Department of Teacher Education
Department of Educational Leadership, Curriculum, and Special Education
Department of Health, Physical Education, and Sport Sciences
Professional Education Programs
Teacher Education Program
The College of Education and Behavioral Science is the unit responsible for the teacher education program in cooperation with other colleges within the university. The teacher education program is coordinated by the College of Education and Behavioral Science and the interdisciplinary Council on Professional Education (COPE). It is strongly recommended that students interested in teacher education and teacher education majors consult their advisor frequently.
The Bachelor of Science in Education degree is offered in the following majors:
- Agriculture Education (BSA)
- Art
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Elementary Education K-6
- English
- Instrumental Music
- Mathematics
- Middle Level Education (4-8)
- Music (BME)
- Physics
- Social Science
- Special Education
- Vocal Music
- World Languages and Cultures
The Title II Teacher Education Report Card was enacted by the United States Congress in 1998. Accountability measures for new teachers, which include standardized test scores and other information about the institution’s teacher education program, are a part of the institutional and state reports mandated by this legislation. Institutions are required to report this information through publications such as school catalogs and promotional materials sent to prospective students, secondary guidance counselors, and potential employers of their graduates. With increased demands by the public for improved schools and increased student achievement, the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of teachers are central to the success of all students. One component of all teacher education programs is standardized tests. The PRAXIS II assesses professional teaching knowledge and academic content knowledge. Below are the PRAXIS II scores for the Arkansas State University students during the 2018-2019, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 academic years.
Additional information about teacher education programs at Arkansas State University may be accessed at https://www.astate.edu/college/education/.
Summary Institution-Level Praxis II Pass Rate Data
Group |
A-State Pass Rate |
State Pass Rate |
All program completers 2020-2021 |
75% |
81% |
All program completers 2019-2020 |
89% |
89% |
All program completers 2018-2019 |
86% |
94% |
*This chart will be updated as Title II Report data is released.
Admission and Retention
All candidates for Bachelor of Science in Education, Bachelor of Music Education, and Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Agriculture Education) degrees must obtain official admission into the Teacher Education Program. Admission, retention, and course prerequisite/requirement details can also be found in the Teacher Education Handbook. Students choosing to make formal application and/or retention into the Teacher Education Program must meet requirements of the following five checkpoints listed below. Individual
departments and programs may have admission and retention requirements that exceed those requirements identified below. Check with your academic advisor to determine if your program has additional requirements.
Checkpoint 1: Admission into the Teacher Education Program
Candidates making formal application into the teacher education program must meet the following admission requirements:
- Submit the Online Application for Admission
- Attain minimum overall GPA of 2.70 beginning August 24, 2015 (Program of Study students must have a minimum of 3.0 overall in courses for Program of Study.)
- Complete the following courses with a grade of “C” or better in each: ENG 1003, Composition I; ENG 1013, Composition II; MATH 1023, College Algebra; MATH 1034, Quantitative Reasoning; OR STAT 2003, Introduction to Statistics (or mathematics course required by program); Introduction to Education (specific to each department); and COMS 1203, Oral Communication or Speech Proficiency (as specified by the department)
- Complete a minimum of 30 semester hours
- Complete the Professional Dispositions Assessments (self-assessment by candidate and evaluation by screening committee) as prescribed in the Teacher Education Handbook
- Complete the Professional Ethics Assessment as prescribed by the Teacher Education Handbook
- Complete the Admission Technology Checkpoint requirement.
- Obtain a signed Clarification of Teacher Education Admissions/Retention Standards
- Document an Approved Arkansas State Police (ASP) and Federal Background Check and the Arkansas Child Maltreatment Background Check through the Arkansas Department of Education
- Verify that student has received a copy of the Mission & Values, Teacher Education Outcomes and Arkansas Teaching Standards
- Appear individually for a personal interview before the Department Screening Committee
Students will not be permitted to enroll in specified professional education courses until they have been formally admitted into the teacher education program. Such courses are designated in the respective programs in the Undergraduate Bulletin. When your application is approved by the Professional Education Programs Director, the student will receive a formal letter of acceptance. Official admittance to the teacher education program does not carry a guarantee of continuance in the program. In addition to the retention checkpoints described below, the student must maintain academic proficiency, moral responsibility, emotional stability, and satisfactory professional growth to continue in the program. After being admitted into the teacher education program, the student must also meet specific performance measures to continue in the program. The student will be required to complete certain unit assessments as outlined in course syllabi and post his/her work to the unit’s electronic portfolio system.
Checkpoint 2: Pre-Teacher Intern Check
Students must meet the following requirements one year prior to the capstone internship semester to continue in the program.
- Maintain a minimum overall GPA of 2.70 (minimum of 3.0 in all course work required for Program of Study students)
- Earn a “C” or better in all Professional Education courses
- Confirmation of eligibility for the Level 2 field experience
- Provide documentation of an approved Child Maltreatment and Arkansas State Police (ASP) and FBI Background Check to be eligible for the capstone internship semester
Checkpoint 3: Intent for Teaching Internship Check
Students must meet the following requirements one semester prior to the capstone internship semester to continue in the program.
- Maintain a minimum overall GPA of 2.70 (minimum of 3.0 in all course work required for Program of Study students)
- Earn a “C” or better in all Professional Education courses
- Provide documentation of an approved Child Maltreatment and Arkansas State Police (ASP) and FBI Background Check to be eligible for the capstone internship semester
Checkpoint 4: Internship Check
Students must meet the following minimum performance requirements to be validated for the internship.
- Formal admittance into the teacher education program
- Senior standing-a minimum of 90 semester hours
- Pre-Teacher Intern Check Form filed with the Office of Professional Education Programs
- Completion of professional education courses for secondary education majors and professional education/major courses for elementary education (K-6, special education (K-12), and middle level (4-8) majors with the exception of the teaching internship semester (students must have a ‘C’ or better in the Professional Education Courses.)
- Attainment of a minimum grade point average of 2.70 in all course work and a minimum grade point average of 2.70 in the major area (a minimum of 3.0 in all course work is required for Program of Study (POS) candidates and a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in the major area; Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) candidates must maintain a minimum 3.0 grade point average for the master’s degree)
- Meet prescribed department requirements
- Completion of Intent for Capstone Teaching Internship application for teaching internship eight weeks before the end of the semester or one week before the pre-registration date of the semester preceding teaching internship
- Attend the orientation sessions for the capstone teaching internship
- Verification of clearance of disqualifying offenses listed in the Teacher Education Handbook
- Verification of clearance of the Child Maltreatment background check listed in the Teacher Education Handbook
- Complete the Professional Dispositions Self-Assessment as prescribed in the Teacher Education Handbook
- Meet the Clinical Candidate Technology checkpoint requirements as assessed within the licensure program
Transfer students must meet the above prerequisites and complete a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours of resident work at Arkansas State University to be eligible to enroll in the teaching internship.
Checkpoint 5: Exit Assessment Check
Students must meet the following minimum performance requirements to graduate from the teacher education program.
- Successful performance in the teaching internship
- Maintain a minimum overall GPA of 2.70 (minimum of 3.0 in all course work required for Program of Study)
- Meet EPP portfolio requirements
- Meet Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn portfolio requirements
- Meet PRAXIS II assessments as specified by the program
- Meet graduation check sheet requirements
Professional Education Requirements for Secondary Majors
General and academic requirements for majors in the secondary teacher education program are listed under the various colleges in this Bulletin.
- SCED 2513, Introduction to Secondary Teaching
- PSY 3703, Educational Psychology
- ELSE 3643, The Exceptional Student in the Regular Classroom OR for Physical Education majors, PE 4703, Adaptive Physical Education
Admission to the Teacher Education Program is a prerequisite to enrollment in the following courses:
- SCED 3515, Performance Based Instructional Design
- SCED 4713, Educational Measurement with Computer Applications
- *ED___ 45___3, Methods and Materials for Teaching in the Secondary School
*Course prefix and number are dependent upon the field of study the student is pursuing.
Professional Semester
During the professional semester the student receives twelve (12) semester hours of credit.
- *TI___ 4826, Teaching Internship in the Secondary School
*Course prefix and number are dependent upon the field of study the student is pursuing.
Transportation for Field Experiences
Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to school field experiences and internship and subsequent expenses incurred.
Graduation Requirement
Teacher education students (BSA-Agriculture Education; BME Music Education; and BSE) must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.70 to be eligible for graduation. Some Teacher Education programs will require students to take the PRAXIS II examination(s) as a graduation requirement. Check with your academic adviser to determine your PRAXIS II requirement(s).
However, students who wish to secure an Arkansas teaching license are required to take and pass the PRAXIS II examination(s). Therefore, all students are strongly encouraged to take the PRAXIS II examination(s) prior to graduation. Check with your adviser to determine your PRAXIS II requirement(s).
Special Departmental Nonrefundable Course Fees
Teacher Education Admission Fee
- RDNG 3203 Foundations of Reading Instruction (P-4 teacher education admission fee)
- SCED 3515 Performance Based Instructional Design (7-12 teacher education admission fee)
$25.00 |
Teacher Education Portfolio Fee
- ELED 2022, Introduction to Teaching (teacher education portfolio fee)
$30.00 |
Teacher Internship Fee
- ELED 4216, Internship II: K-3
- ELED 4226, Internship II: 4-6
- ELSE 4216, Special Education Internship - Elementary
- ELSE 4226, Special Education Internship - Secondary
- MLED 4116, Internship
- (TIAG, TIAR, TIBI, TIBU, TICH, TIEN, TIHI, TILA, TIMA, TIMU, TIPE, TIPH) 4826, Teaching Internship
$10/credit hour |
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