Feb 15, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin


Undergraduate Traditional Admission

Communications concerning admission to traditional programs of the university for domestic students should be addressed to the Office of Admissions, P.O. Box 1800, State University, AR 72467. Calls go to 870-972-2782 and email correspondence should be addressed to admissions@astate.edu.

How to Apply

To be considered for undergraduate traditional admission to Arkansas State University, all domestic applicants must submit the following:

  1. An application for admission completed online at https://www.astate.edu/info/apply/.
  2. A nonrefundable processing fee.
  3. Proof of two measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccines. The first immunization must have been administered after the applicant’s first birthday and after 1/1/68. The second immunization may be administered no sooner than 28 days after the first dose.


Any current high school senior or applicant with 12 or fewer college hours after graduating high school or earning a GED will be considered a freshman for admission. In addition to the application, application processing fee and proof of immunization, freshmen applicants must also submit:

  1. An official high school transcript sent directly from the high school OR the result of the state-approved high school equivalency examination sent directly from the State Department of Education. Home schooled students should mail equivalent documents. Hand carried documents are NOT considered official unless submitted in a sealed, stamped school envelope. If you are currently enrolled in high school, a second transcript must be sent AFTER you have graduated with graduation date and final high school GPA.
  2. Official ACT scores, or SAT scores** sent directly to the university from the testing institution or the high school. Test scores are only valid five years from date of exam.
  3. Final official transcript from all colleges attended, if any, including courses taken concurrently during high school and courses taken the summer immediately after high school graduation. Official transcripts should be sent to: Office of Admissions, P.O. Box 1800, State University, AR, 72467.

Freshmen applicants who meet one of the following criteria will be automatically admitted to Arkansas State University:

  • 3.00 cumulative high school grade point average (or GED test score equivalent) OR
  • 19 minimum ACT super score or minimum 990 combined SAT super score OR
  • Class rank in the top 20% of applicant’s graduating class

Admission based upon ACT or SAT require official scores be mailed directly to the university from the testing institution or the high school, or sent electronically by the testing authority. Test scores are only valid five years from date of exam.

Admitted freshmen who require remediation (based on entrance exam scores) or who have less than a 3.00 cumulative high school GPA will be required to participate in the Transition Studies leadershipbased support program throughout their enrollment at Arkansas State University.

Freshmen applicants who do not meet automatic admission standards may be admitted to the university upon approval of the Undergraduate Admissions Appeal Committee. Freshmen approved by the Undergraduate Admissions Appeal Committee will participate in the Transition Studies leadership-based support program. Contact the Office of Admissions for more information on the admissions appeal process.

Remedial course requirements can be found at the end of this section. More information about the Transition Studies program can be found in the University College section of the bulletin under “Transition Studies”.

Non-Traditional First-Time Freshmen

Adult learners who do not have test scores available or do not meet the traditional admission criteria, may be admitted if they:

  • hold a high school diploma or state-approved equivalent
  • have not been enrolled in a high school for five years or more
  • have completed 12 or fewer earned college hours (if more hours completed, refer to A-State Transfer Admission Policy)
  • have never enrolled as a student at A-State

Nontraditional applicants admitted through this path are considered degree-seeking students yet provisionally admitted. These applicants may also be placed in University College and required to successfully complete a predesignated curriculum of 12 hours. Upon successful completion, these students are no longer provisionally admitted and will follow the requirements outlined by their degree-granting department and/or college.

Early Entrance

The university accepts students who are not high school graduates if they have: 

  1. eighteen units of high school credit including three units of English, two units of mathematics, two units of natural science, three units of social science, and not more than two units of activity credit; 
  2. an overall grade average of 3.25; 
  3. an ACT composite score of 19 or higher; and 
  4. a recommendation from the high school principal or superintendent. 

In addition, the early entrant must submit the credentials required of high school graduates except proof of graduation.

Transfer Students

Any applicant with 13 or more transferable college hours earned after high school graduation or GED completion is a transfer student for admission. In addition to the application, application processing fee and proof of immunization, transfer students must also submit:

  1. Final official transcript from all colleges attended, if any, including courses taken concurrently during high school and courses taken the summer immediately after high school graduation. Official transcripts should be sent to: Office of Admissions, P.O. Box 1800, State University, AR, 72467.
  2. Proof of successful completion of College Algebra and English Composition I or entrance exam scores. Test scores are only valid five years from date of exam.

Transfer applicants with at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point average on all transferable coursework will be admitted. Transfer students with a cumulative GPA of less than 2.00 may be admitted upon approval of the Undergraduate Admissions Appeal Committee, placed on academic probation, restricted to 12 hours of enrollment and required to participate in the Restart@State program. Contact the Office of Admissions for more information on the admissions appeal process.

More information about the Restart@State Program can be found in the section “Academic Standing.”

NOTE: Transferable hours include courses in which a grade of F was earned. The courses transfer and will impact GPA.

Certificate Enrollment Only

Another opportunity to gain new skills and advance in the workplace is to retool by gaining certificate-level competencies. Students seeking only certificate coursework may be admitted to the institution after meeting the following requirements:

  • hold a high school diploma or equivalent
  • only enroll in courses necessary to fulfil requirements for the approved certificate programs.


Admission by Exception for Prospective Students with Exceptional Talent

Prospective students who demonstrate exceptional talent, ability, accomplishment, or potential in athletics, leadership, and performance or similar contribution to the university community may be granted admission by exception to Arkansas State University-Jonesboro. Admission by exception provides a means to identify students who do not meet the numerical requirements (GPA and/or ACT/SAT) for admission but who demonstrate exceptional potential to contribute to A-State. Prospective first-time students admitted by exception will be required to participate in the intensive Transition Studies program. Successful completion of the Transition Studies requirement will allow for continued enrollment at A-State. Prospective transfer students admitted by exception will be required to participate in the Restart@State program.

To be granted admission by exception, prospective first-time student-athletes must satisfy the National Collegiate Athletic Association initial eligibility standards under Division I guidelines and prospective transfer student-athletes must satisfy the National Collegiate Athletic Association transfer eligibility standards under Division I guidelines in order to be eligible to petition for admission via the Undergraduate Admission Appeals Committee. Colleges/Departments desiring to utilize “admission by exception” must provide documentation in support of the student’s extraordinary talent, ability, accomplishment, or potential via petition to the Undergraduate Admission Appeals Committee for consideration. Admission by exception will generally be reserved for students eligible for performance-based scholarships.
In addition, under extraordinary circumstances, prospective students may continue to be granted exceptional admission by the Chancellor as set forth in Article VI of the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees of Arkansas State University.

NOTE: Per Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE) policy, Arkansas State University requires a composite score of 15 or higher on the ACT for admissions purposes. Students with a composite ACT score of 14 or below (or an equivalent SAT score) will need to retest and achieve a qualifying score before they can petition for admission-by-exception.

Other Application Types

In addition to an application, application processing fee and proof of immunization, the following documents are required for the student types listed below:

Returning students: Students previously enrolled at Arkansas State University who haven’t enrolled in classes for more than one year must reapply and submit:

  1. Final official transcript from all colleges attended after last enrollment at Arkansas State University, if any. Official transcripts should be sent to: Office of Admissions, P.O. Box 1800, State University, AR, 72467.
  2. Test scores taken within the last five (5) years for any returning student who has not completed English I with a C or better and College Algebra

Visiting students: Undergraduate students attending another institution who wish to take courses to transfer back to that institution should submit:

  1. A letter of good standing or official transcript from the current institution.

NOTE: Visiting students may be required to show proof of qualifying test scores or completed pre-requisite courses to enroll. Visiting students are restricted to one semester of enrollment and must reapply to enroll in classes for future terms.

Post-degree seeking students: Applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree and plan to take additional undergraduate courses should submit:

  1. Official college transcript from the college awarding the bachelor’s degree.

Non-degree seeking students: Applicants who wish to pursue courses of special interest without submitting academic credentials may register for a maximum of six hours per semester (or three per summer term) accumulating up to 12 semester hours of undergraduate non-degree credit. Non-degree seeking students may be required to show proof of qualifying test scores or completed pre-requisite courses to enroll. There are no additional requirements needed for non-degree seeking students.

Freshman Assessment and Placement

The Arkansas State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) Freshman Assessment and Placement Program prescribes statewide minimum standards for determining whether entering freshmen should be placed in college level math and English courses or in developmental courses in math, English composition, and reading.

Enrollment in Developmental Courses

The following standards apply to all first-time-entering freshmen who are admitted to enroll in degree programs:

When an entering freshman subject ACT score, SAT score, or TSWE (College Board’s Test of Standard Written English) score requires the student’s enrollment in a developmental course(s) in accord with the Arkansas State Board of Higher Education Policy, enrollment in the appropriate developmental course(s) shall be mandatory for the student’s first semester of enrollment at Arkansas State University. Students will have a maximum of two semesters to complete a developmental course with a C or above or obtain the requisite passing score on the appropriate Accuplacer Next Generation subject area test or ALEKS PPL Exam for Mathematics.


The SBHE has prescribed that, “No mathematics course less sophisticated than college algebra may be applied toward a bachelor’s degree in a public university in Arkansas.”

Students who score below 19 on the mathematics section of the Enhanced ACT (American College Testing Program’s ACT Assessment Test), or equivalent score on the SAT (College Board’s Scholastic Aptitude Test) must successfully complete one of the following: (1) the co-requisite model of MATH 0013 - Intermediate Algebra  and MATH 1023 - College Algebra , (2) the co-requisite model of MATH 0013 - Intermediate Algebra  and MATH 1043 - Quantitative Reasoning , or (3) all modules in the pre-college level mathematics course, MATH 0173 - Developmental Mathematics I . Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in MATH 0173 - Developmental Mathematics I  before enrolling in college level mathematics courses. Placement will be determined by advisors in the Transition Studies Department in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

English Composition and Reading

Students who score below 19 on the English or reading sections of the Enhanced ACT, or equivalent score on the SAT (College Board’s Scholastic Aptitude Test), TSWE (College Board’s Test of Standard Written English), ASSET (American College Testing Program’s Assessment of Skills for Successful Entry and Transfer) Language Use Test, ASSET Reading Skills test, or Accuplacer test are required to take developmental courses in reading and/ or writing either as a pre-requisite or as a concurrent enrollment in ENG 1003 - Composition I . Placement will be determined by the Transition Studies Department. Any developmental course must be completed with a “C” or higher.

Students who score below 16 on the English section of the Enhanced ACT or equivalent score on SAT must complete UC 0143 - Writing Fundamentals , with a “C” or better prior to taking ENG 1003 - Composition I . Students who score below 16 on the reading section of the Enhanced ACT or equivalent score on SAT must take UC 0153 - Enhanced College Reading  and complete the course with a “C” or higher.

Admission and Enrollment of International Students

Arkansas State University provides access to a quality education for international students at an affordable cost, in a caring and supportive environment. A citizen of a nation other than the United States of America wishing to apply for admission to Arkansas State University should write to the International Admissions, Arkansas State University, P.O. Box 1800, State University, AR 72467 USA or email International@AState.edu. Future international students may also visit our website at: http://www.astate.edu/a/global-initiatives/international/admissions/

The A-State International Student Services office encourages all applicants to submit the completed application and all supporting documents at least two (2) months prior to the desired enrollment date to ensure timely processing of admission and issuance of immigration documents.

International applicants must provide the following documents:

  1. Application and Processing Fee - Web application for admission, accompanied by a non-refundable processing fee. Evaluation of academic records and subsequent issuance of the I-20 will not begin before the processing fee is received. Applicants can apply here: https://www.astate.edu/info/apply/.
  2. Official Academic Records - All undergraduate applicants must submit a scanned copy of their high school grade report and diploma or equivalent credentials with translation in English, if English is not the native language. The official copies must be brought with the student upon arrival to the University. The GPA should be a minimum of 2.3/4.0. Freshman students have the potential to be admitted, if they meet GPA standards with all grades except their last year with the restriction of bringing their final high school transcript grades with them upon arrival, that must still meet standards. In the absence of traditional grade mark scoring each year enrolled, such as for countries who only do final exam scores at the end of all schooling, this policy will not stand. They will be required to submit final exam scores before an admission decision can be issued. Students seeking to transfer from another university or college must submit official transcripts from those institutions before admission. The GPA on post-secondary work should be a minimum of a 2.0 on a 4-point scale. 
  3. Proof of English Proficiency -
    • Completing A-State’s ESL Program with a minimum grade of 80% or above
    • TOEFL - Internet-Based 61- (A-State’s Code:6011)
    • IELTS - Academic 5.5- Official Score from British Council
    • PTE - Pearson Test of English Academic 43
    • iTEP Academic - 4.0 or higher
    • EIKEN - Grade Pre-1
    • SAT Scores - 550 total on the Evidence-Based Reading/Writing score
    • ACT Scores - 21 total and on both the Reading and English sections
    • Completing the required level of a CEA Accredited ESL program (check with International Admissions)
    • Obtaining a minimum of 60% in English at X and XII in Certificate in India and Pakistan
    • HS Marks (India, Nepal, and Pakistan)-60% or higher in English on Grade X and XII certificates
    • HS Marks (Kenya)-65% or higher in English in Grade 10 and Grade 12
    • High School Graduate (minimum 2 years of attendance) from USA, UK, Canada (except Quebec), Australia, or New Zealand
    • 5, 6, or 7 on English: Literature or Language & Literature on the International Baccalaureate

English proficiency requirement may be waived for countries whose official language is English. Decision will be made by admissions committee upon reviewing the application and academic credentials, http://www.astate.edu/a/global-initiatives/ international/admissions/undergraduate/admission-criteria/.

  1. Financial Affidavit - A letter of certification (dated not more than one year prior to the desired enrollment date) from a financial institution (acceptable to the University) stating that the sponsor(s) of the applicant has/have sufficient funds (equivalent to estimated annual cost of attendance, which can be found at the following link - http://www.astate.edu/info/costs/international/.

    A-State does not guarantee or promise any financial assistance to any international student.
  2. Passport - Student must submit a copy of their passport.
  3. Other documents - may be required, upon request.

International students must maintain continuous health insurance coverage, (including the summer months) while attending A-State. All international students are required to enroll in the University’s international student health insurance program. A fee equal to a six-month premium, approximately $450-$550, is to be paid before registration for each term.

Early Entrance for International Students

The university accepts students who are not high school graduates if they have:

  1. eighteen units of high school credit including three units of English, two units of mathematics, two units of natural science, three units of social science, and not more than two units of activity credit;
  2. an overall grade average of 3.25;
  3. an English Proficiency Requirement http://www.astate.edu/a/global-initiatives/international/admissions/undergraduate/admission-criteria/;
  4. a recommendation from the high school principal or superintendent.

In addition, the early entrant must submit the credentials required of high school graduates except proof of graduation.

A-state Online Services

A-State Online Services (AOS) offers undergraduate and graduate level degrees to students across the country and around the world through fully-online course programs of study. The AOS staff provides the following services:

  • Faculty support for online course building and maintenance
  • Admissions, Registration, Financial Aid and Student Account Services for A-State Online students
  • Student advising
  • Technology enhanced courses and learning experiences

Detailed information regarding admissions and services provided by AOS for online students is available at http://www.astate.edu/a/global-initiatives/online/.

International Programs

The International Programs office is located in Suite 301 of the International Student Services/English Learning Academy building and can be reached by phone at +1 (870) 972-2329, by email at OIPS@AState.edu, or by visiting the web site at http://www.astate.edu/a/global-initiative/international/. International Programs is comprised of four units: International Admissions and Recruitment, International Student Services, the English Learning Academy, and Study Abroad.

International Student Services

International Student Services office is responsible for the admission of all international students, as well as students coming for one or two semesters from one of A-State’s international exchange partners. Some of the services provided by the International Student Services offices for International Stu¬dents are:

  • New International Student Orientation
  • Advising and Registration
  • Cultural and Immigration Advising
  • Activities
  • Shopping shuttles
  • Free Airport Transfer Services to and from Memphis International Airport on select dates
  • Health Insurance
  • A-State Housing and Meal Plan Assistance
  • International Student Tutoring Lab

Detailed information regarding admissions and services provided by International Programs for international students is available at http://www.astate.edu/international/.

English Learning Academy

The English Learning Academy is A-State’s English as a Second Language Program designed to help college aged students from around the world learn and build the necessary English language skills to succeed in university courses at A-State. The ESL program is comprehensive in design and structure, implementing a multi-pronged approach focusing on communicative language instruction. Classroom instruction, along with structured, practical activities including community service, promotes and reinforces students’ fluency. Instruction is implemented through methods similar to those experienced in the university classroom.

Study Abroad

Study Abroad serves as an information and advising resource for students, faculty, and staff exploring educational opportunities at an international level. Students will learn about programs to various destinations around the world led by A-State faculty or as individual student initiatives.

Short-term study programs led by A-State faculty are offered during spring break or summer sessions. These are arranged for student groups, university classes, and may occasionally permit participation by community members.

Long-term programs consist of semester- and year-long exchanges. These academic sojourns allow students to experience another culture in more depth while continuing to make regular progress toward a degree.

Programs exist for students in all majors. The Language of instruction is in English unless a student wants to pursue coursework directed in a different language. In addition, foreign language instruction is a popular goal of many students who study overseas.

A-State is a member of the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), the Magellan Exchange, and also maintains many other international exchange agreements.

Visit https://www.astate.edu/a/study-abroad/ to learn more about study abroad offerings at A-State.

The Study Abroad Advisor helps students identify programs, not only with exchange partners, but in any country a student may wish to pursue academic opportunities. The office also provides advising for students applying for grant and scholarship applications intended for international educational experiences. The Gilman Scholarship, Fulbright Fellowships, and the National Security Education Program (NSEP) are examples of such scholarships and grants.

Enrollment Under Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018

To comply with Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, section 3679 of title 38, United States Code Arkansas State University has adopted the following procedure:

  • To permit any covered individual to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33 (a “certificate of eligibility” can also include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) website - eBenefits, or a VAF 28-1905 form for chapter 31 authorization purposes) and ending on the earlier of the following dates:
  1. The date on which payment from VA is made to the institution.
  2. 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility.
  • This procedure ensures that your educational institution will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under chapter 31 or 33.
  • In accordance with the procedure Arkansas State will require the covered individual to take the following actions:
    • Submit a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance
    • Submit a written request to use such entitlement
    • Provide additional information necessary to the proper certification of enrollment by the educational institution.
    • Arkansas State may require additional payment or impose a fee for the amount that is the difference between the amount of the student’s financial obligation and the amount of the VA education benefit disbursement

NOTE: A Covered Individual is any individual who is entitled to educational assistance under chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or chapter 33, Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits.