Mar 02, 2025
2022-2023 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Teaching, Business Technology Initial Licensure, MAT
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Purpose of the Degree
The purpose of this program is to provide an additional quality pathway to Arkansas teacher licensure for our region and state. Individuals seeking to enter public school teaching with bachelor’s degrees are eligible to earn initial licensure through the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree. The MAT includes Teacher Education core courses along with specialized courses to create a Master’s Program for initial licensure in Art Education (Grades K-12), Business Technology (Grades 4-12), Elementary (grades K-6) and Middle Level Education (grades 4-8) with a specialty in one content area.
Admission Requirements
Graduate Admissions Criteria:
- Hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university (transcripts for undergraduate and graduate coursework must be submitted from all institutions attended.)
- Pass required admission tests and required subject-specific content examinations (Praxis Content examinations)
- Complete the A-State Graduate Admissions application and qualify for graduate admission.
- The acceptance of previous graduate work including transfer work is at the discretion of the MAT Program Director.
Unconditional Admission: In addition to Graduate Admissions criteria, academic proficiency must be established through satisfaction of the following admissions selection criteria:
Meet admission requirements for Admission to the Teacher Education program as identified in the current Teacher Education Handbook (Chapter Three) or meet any additional criteria as may be allowed by the Arkansas Department of Education.
Pass the Praxis content exams listed for the MAT track chosen, OR meet Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Alternative Assessment Plan expectations (posted on the DESE webpage):
ELED: Pass Praxis Mathematics, Reading and Language Arts. Science, and Social Studies Elementary Education Multiple Subjects exams (pass scores 157, 157, 159, 155 respectively)
MLED: Pass at least one Praxis Middle School content exams (Reading Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and/or Social Studies (pass scores 164, 165, 150, 149 respectively
Business Tech: Pass Business Education: Content Knowledge (pass score 154
Art Education: Pass Praxis Art: Content Knowledge (pass score 158)
Students must be admitted into the Arkansas State University Teacher Education Program to continue into the second semester of the MAT program. Students should consult the Arkansas State University Teacher Education Handbook (Chapter Three) for information about licensure and additional requirements of the Teacher Education program.
The department strongly advises consulting with the Teacher Education MAT program advisor to verify appropriate start dates for the program. The MAT Internship semester is a full 15 weeks and offered only in Fall and Spring. All MAT coursework and specific licensure requirements must be completed prior to the Internship semester. This is regardless of the employment status of the student.
Specialized Requirements and Licensure Requirements
Licensure Requirements (subject to change by the Arkansas Department of Education) and including the GPA of 2.70 and the Praxis Core or GRE scores listed above.
- Complete a course at the graduate or undergraduate level focused on student exceptionalities
- Complete a course in Arkansas History
- Complete current Arkansas Department of Education requirements for specialized content area knowledge in the MAT track chosen. The MAT Program will meet all minimal requirements of the Arkansas Department of Education. Arkansas Department of Education requirements are subject to change.
Requirements for Continued Program Participation
- Submit all scheduled Teacher Education Program Application and Gateway Check forms.
- Complete all Professional education course work.
- Maintain a 3.00 average on professional education course work.
- Make no grade lower than a C in all professional area course work. Candidates may not apply more than two classes with a grade of C toward graduate professional course work.
- Take the Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching licensure exam prior to graduation.
Reading Instruction Block:
Students who have completed reading courses approved as part of the Reading Proficiency Pathway prior to admission to the MAT program may substitute up to two undergraduate Reading courses for up to two graduate Reading courses listed as requirements of the MAT program with prior Department Chair Permission. Students must still complete a minimum of thirty hours of graduate coursework in order to graduate. Practicum:
Completion of all teacher education core, reading instruction block, and specialty core courses with no more than nine to ten hours remaining required for enrollment. Middle Level and Secondary Program Area:
Total Required Hours: 33-36
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