Mar 02, 2025
2022-2023 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Educational Leadership, Curriculum Director Track, Ed.S
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Purpose of the Degree
The Specialist in Education degree (Ed.S.) with a major in Educational Leadership offers educators a program designed to improve their general educational and specific professional competencies as leaders in the public school systems within one of the following areas. The Specialist Degree program is designed to provide study beyond the Master’s degree and is based on recommendations from professional organizations and accrediting associations. Candidates complete performance-based activities in P-12 school sites and related settings.
All candidates for the Ed.S. degree in Educational Leadership seeking district administrator licensure must have a standard building-level administrator license or a standard program administrator and must pass the appropriate examination(s) required by the state(s) in which licensure is sought. A copy of the scores should be sent to Arkansas State University.
- Students who adhere to the schedule should be able to complete the program in 24 months. If a candidate finds it necessary to deviate from the schedule, he/she will be able to re-enter the sequence at any time. A student has six years to complete the degree.
- A-State will be using Blackboard as the web delivery platform. This platform allows synchronous and asynchronous interactions, streaming video, and electronic discussion boards. Students will also interact via e-mail, telephone, and fax.
- A high-speed internet connection (Ethernet, cable, DSL, public wireless hotspot, satellite, etc) will be necessary. Dial-up will not work. Computers must have specific minimum requirements. For example, they must have a Windows XP or later operating system; any processor of 1.2GHZ or faster; minimum RAM of 512MB for XP or 1GB for Vista; minimum of 20GB available free disk space; minimum display resolution of 1024x768.
Admission to the Specialist Degree Programs
Applicants to the Specialist in Education degree program in Educational Leadership must hold an earned master’s degree from an accredited institution. Applicants must submit the following to Graduate Admissions:
- A completed application for admission. Applicants are encouraged to submit the application before May 1 to be eligible for the following summer; before August 1 to be eligible to enter the following fall semester; and before December 1 to be eligible to enter the following spring semester.
- A $30 nonrefundable application fee. Checks must be made payable to Arkansas State University. If applications are received without payment, Graduate Admissions will hold all application materials and notify the applicants that no action will be taken until payment is received.
- One copy of official transcripts of all previous undergraduate and graduate coursework attempted to be sent directly from the institution(s) previously attended.
- Candidates will be required to submit a provided self-disposition document and verification for teacher effectiveness and leadership abilities.
- Applicants who qualify for an interview appear before the interview committee, which then decides whether the applicant meets program requirements and expectations. If an applicant is approved for admission to the program, the committee sets any conditions of admission.
- Signed site mentor form that meets the qualifications set by the degree program.
Admission Requirements - Curriculum Director Track
To be considered for the Specialist Degree-Curriculum Director Track, each candidate must have, in addition to the admission requirements of Graduate Admissions, the following:
- At least a 3.25 GPA in a master’s degree from an accredited institution and program.
- Two years of experience as a certified teacher in an educational institution.
- A current state-issued teaching license.
- A written commitment from a practicing building-level administrator who will serve as a mentor during this program.
- No felony record.
Program Requirements:
Courses taken to satisfy the Master’s degree requirements may not be taken again to satisfy the Specialist degree requirements. |
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